PLEASE NOTE: If you received your timer after to April 1, 2015 please refer the series G blind and shade timer instructions. The instructions on this page are for series R timers, which have been superseded with series G. This page is here for legacy purposes.
In part 3 we discussed how the MCT-1-RF wireless wall mounted timer can be linked to our radio equipped blind and shade motors using RF (Radio Frequency). In part 4, we will learn how to create actual timer events.
The timer is able to memorize a total 18 different timing event triggers, organized in a sequential fashion from Monday to Sunday. The 'Timing Number' indicates which of the 18 timing programs is being used or set.
At this point the timer cover should be removed, the battery inserted into the battery compartment, and the timer unit powered up with some characters on the display, as shown in the picture on the right.
NOTE: Please wait 5 minutes for the self-check to complete and for the circuitry to stabilize, before entering any settings. The unit will be ready for programming when the clock display changes to 00:01 if it has not been previously pre-programmed.Also, when you remove the battery to change it, there is a built-in temporary battery to allow you enough time to make the change without losing all the settings. If you want to reset the unit and erase all settings, leave the battery out for 5 minutes or longer, until the standby battery has fully discharged.
The picture at left is a detailed view of all the characters and symbols that will be shown in the LCD liquid crystal display, at various different times during the programming process.
There are basically three rows of characters on the LCD display:
Row 1: Transmit Symbol & Day of Week Indicator (Monday to Sunday)
Row 2: Up/Down Indicators & Current time (or setup mode)
Row 3: Mode Indicator (AUTO), Timing Number & Timing Setup
Programming the Timer and Creating Events for Motor Operation:
Normally the real time clock will display time and date information, but during the programming mode the clock display is converted to a mode indicator. There are 4 basic modes of operation as seen in the follwing table, and you should be able to press the MENU button and cycle through each of the different modes.
If you try this now, you should see the time display change according to the table sequence below. Continuously pressing the MENU button should continuously cycle you through the modes displayed below. The OK button is used to actually enter/exit a specific setting mode; the menu button is used to cycle through the various settings while in that specific mode.
Please Note: When pressing the buttons, please push them directly and firmly down with your finger. If you push them from an angle, the membrane switch may not make proper contact inside (even though you will still feel the tactile click).
Function | LCD Clock Display | Action |
Normal Time Display: | ![]() | Display reverts back to clock display when setup of any items below is finished. |
Set Clock Time & Date: | ![]() | Press MENU until clock display changes to picture at left, then press OK to begin procedure for entering date and time settings (see example 1 below). Display reverts back to clock display when setup is finished. |
Set Event Timing: | ![]() | Press MENU until clock display changes to picture at left, then press OK to begin procedure for creating a timer event (see example 2 below). Display reverts back to clock display when setup is finished. |
Check Event Timing: | ![]() | Press MENU until clock display changes to picture at left, then press OK to begin procedure to review event settings (see example 3 below). Display reverts back to clock display when setup is finished. |
Clear All Events: | ![]() | Press MENU until clock display changes to picture at left, then press OK to begin procedure to clear all timer settings (see example 4 below). Display reverts back to clock display when setup is finished. |

Example 1: Setting the Current Time and Date
# | Action | Observed State |
1 | press MENU once from normal clock display state | Above code appears in clock display |
2 | press OK to enter time/date setup | YEAR display is flashing |
3 | press + (increase) or - (decrease) to adjust the YEAR | YEAR display has changed, but still flashing |
4 | press MENU to adjust MONTH | MONTH display is flashing |
5 | press + (increase) or - (decrease) to adjust the MONTH | MONTH display has changed, but still flashing |
6 | press MENU to adjust DAY OF MONTH | DAY OF MONTH display has changed, but still flashing |
7 | press MENU to adjust DAY OF WEEK | DAY OF WEEK NUMBER does not appear at top until you press + or - to adjust, then display will be flashing (Monday is DAY 1) |
8 | press MENU to adjust HOUR | HOUR display is flashing (press + or - to adjust) |
9 | press MENU to adjust MINUTE | MINUTE display is flashing (press + or - to adjust) |
10 | press OK to complete the procedure and EXIT to regular clock display | You could use the MENU button to cycle through the clock settings again, but regular clock display will appear if you press OK button to EXIT the procedure. |

Example 2: Set Event Timing
# | Action | Observed State |
1 | press MENU twice from normal clock display state | Above code appears in clock display |
2 | press OK to enter EVENT TIMER SETUP | Timer hours is flashing |
3 | press MODE button to set EVENT DAY | Pd01 (Monday) appears on clock display, hour setting is flashing. Press MODE button to change day, if desired. Pd02 is Tuesday, Pd03 is Wednesday, etc., through Pd07 Sunday |
4 | press + (increase) or - (decrease) to adjust the EVENT HOUR | hour setting is flashing with selected hour displayed |
5 | press MENU to set EVENT MINUTES | Minute display is flashing (press + or - to adjust) |
6 | press MENU to select Up or Down MOTOR ACTION | Motor direction display is flashing (press up or down button to select) |
7 | press OK to complete the procedure and EXIT to regular clock display | Repeat the above procedure to set up to 18 events. |

Example 3: Check Event Timing
# | Action | Observed State |
1 | press MENU 3 times from normal clock display state | Above code appears in clock display |
2 | press OK to enter event timer review | Timer setting is displayed, showing all timer parameter settings. Use the MENU button to cycle through all set timer events (max 18) |
3 | press OK to complete the procedure and EXIT to regular clock display | Clock display returns to normal. |

Example 4: Clear All Event Settings
# | Action | Observed State |
1 | press MENU 4 times from normal clock display state | Above code appears in clock display |
2 | press OK to clear all event settings - the settings are not recoverable after this action! | The memory is cleared, the procedure is complete, clock display status is normal |
PART 1: Timer for blinds - Removing the Cover
PART 2: Timer for blinds - Controls and Layout
PART 3: Timer for blinds - Linking to a Radio Motor
PART 4: Timer for blinds - Creating Timer Events
We sincerely hope you enjoy using these advanced motors; if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time!