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The 'Maxi' series G - 12 volt DC, 45 lb lift (22 Kg) when using 2.5" Rollease style O.D. tube, no internal radio. Switched polarity for reversal, can use our external radio receiver.
RollerTrol™ 15 channel remote with wall mount holster, for G series motors. Radio signal travels through walls, assign single motor to each dedicated channel, assign multiple motors to a single channel, operate channels individually or ALL simultaneously, use more than one remote from different locations, set travel...
5 channel hand held remote for G series, with holster
RollerTrol™ 1 channel RF transmitter accepts relay closure to trigger UP/DOWN/STOP radio commands for relay control of series G radio motors. Use our ZWAVE trigger module, or any Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wifi (or other) relay trigger module for this transmitter.
12v DC 1A power supply, specifically for use with our G series rechargeable built-in battery motors
RollerTrol™ 1 channel wired remote control for DC motors and our window/skylight openers. Control 6 to 10+ motors at once, load dependant. Operates on 12 to 36 VDC. Has a home automation interface, and can be controlled by our any relay module (including our ZWAVE module). This unit is intended for...
12v DC 2A power supply, suitable for LED lighting and tubular motors
12v DC 4A power supply, suitable for tubular motors and LED lighting, UL, CE listed
12v DC 8A UL listed power supply, suitable for tubular motors or LED lighting
RollerTrol™ 1 channel series G RF receiver for any DC motor (15 amp). Can be used with any G series remote to add radio control to any 12v motor. Can be used with our ZWAVE and Wifi motor relay trigger modules.
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motor control remote blind tubular screen 12v DIY home skylight