Author Topic: JEELINK  (Read 18169 times)


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« on: March 31, 2016, 12:58:10 PM »
Good day, I have been slowly adding RollerTrol to my house, and started on adding this to my automation projects. First, I have a question, if I am using a generic RF12B what NETWORK ID do the motors use on 433MHz?

Second I installed OpenNetHome, and I don't see RollerTRol as an option. I do see where in the Pi wiki it says:

" We are using the Jeelink product from Jean-Claude Wippler's excellent Jeelabs product line, sold in the US by Modern Devices. There are 2 versions, please choose the Jeelink Classic Version (433 MHz, RFM12B chip).

You simply plug it in, select the USB port and create the device. For those of you interested in more information about this USB transceiver, we'll cover it later in more detail in another article. Our kits come with this unit pre-configured with the correct driver firmware. "

I do not see the kits for offer on the website, so I am assuming there is a plugin I need to obtain somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated.



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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2016, 02:04:43 PM »
Hello @lilpint, thanks for your question. We had a few kits at Christmas time, but they were a special item and we don't have any now. You can purchase the Jeelink transceiver at Modern Electronics, and the Pi is readily available (the new Pi3 works fine too, we have one).

There is no 'network address', the Jeelink transceiver just plugs into a USB port on the Pi, and it is then set up with the usual create/edit procedure.

Once you have set it up, you have to configure to add the RollerTrol protocols; please see the updated instructions here:

If I can be of further assistance, please contact me any time.

Regards, Adrian

Adrian Biffen
Customer Service
RollerTrol Automation Systems