In the end two things were required, one was certainly my error in the cloning assumption - the cloning of course needs to be done, one of my relays required a reset to default the other didn't.
The second thing was getting them to operate with ST - this didn't happen with the ST default detection of "dimmer switch" - oddly this did not activate the relay to perform any functions. Perusing the ST forums it is clear that there is some custom code for a device type called "Aeon Motor Controller" which properly sets "up", "down", and "stop" functionality in the ST app. I am happy to provide or post that custom code since it is open source if you'd like to have it on your forum for other future ST users. With the custom device type saved and published in the ST IDE (a website controlling a user's hub and devices), the type can be assigned to the "dimmer switch" that ST detects and then all will function wel.
It does seem clear that some users had success with the default detection in ST but this wasn't the case with me. Additionally, the custom code device type does appear to be superior in that on/off are up and down and stop functionality is also present. ST users would probably greatly appreciate the custom code version as opposed to the basic switch version.
Thanks for all your help and people are free to ping me in the future if they require similar assistance.