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Choosing a home automation system / Re: Z-Wave Relay Controller Raw Commands
« Last post by admin on August 21, 2016, 11:13:02 AM »
Hello Cory, thanks for the tip; I will check with the production manufacturer in Taiwan about this; it may take a few days.

Regards, Adrian
Choosing a home automation system / Z-Wave Relay Controller Raw Commands
« Last post by Chompy on August 21, 2016, 09:42:22 AM »

I’m in need of the raw Open & Close commands for the Z-Wave Relay Controller.  I’m using Indigo and while using the "On" & "Off" buttons will open/close the blinds, it first initiates the 'Stop' command, which I would like to avoid as it causes blinds with no middle setting to open/close out of sync with the blinds with programmed middle settings.

To anyone else using Indigo to control this device, I have found that sending raw command 0x26 0x04 0xFF works to control the "Stop"/"Middle" functionality of the controller. 

Thanks for your help!
Hi @tecbuilt, it would be a very complex process, even for a software engineer, although it is theoretically possible. It's not something we could tackle, sorry.

Regards, Adrian
So are you saying it would be possible to control the MCD shades with a Raspberry Pi and a transmitter like the JeeLink Classic? Do you know of anyone else that has done that?
Good Morning @tecbuilt, thanks for your interest.

Our protocol won't work with MCD, you would need to change the motor too.

If you want to mess with analyzing protocols, please take a look at Stefan's method via our Raspberry Pi article about his OpenNetHome System, there's a link to it on his website:

Regards, Adrian
I have MCD shades and nobody sells the parts online like Rollertrol (you have to go through a dealer). I bought a 2 channel remote from Rollertrol hoping it would work with my MCD motor since all the parts look exactly the same but I can't get it to pair. Is there a difference in the protocol? I would be willing to send one of my MCD 2 channel remotes and the 2 channel remote I bought from Rollertrol to somebody that has the equipment to analyze the RF. I would really like the parts to be compatible because I get tired of calling dealers and leaving a message and nobody calls me back or I get passed to several people because they don't know what exactly I need.
great, thanks for the info!
Hi @jayekub, thanks  for your message.

You hit the nail on the head, you should not try to activate the controller directly with a GPIO port, it will require an intermediate transistor.

The controller works by pulling the appropriate pin to ground, you can test this simply by attaching a piece of wire to the controller header and touching the ground pin.

If you are operating it in 'momentary' mode, if you short the OPEN pin to ground, it will cause the motor to operate in one direction until you release the ground contact (unless it has already reached your pre-programmed travel limit).

Your unit has already been shipped, and I will be sending you further instructions shortly.

If I can be of further assistance, please contact me any time.

Regards, Adrian

Adrian Biffen
Customer Service
RollerTrol Automation Systems
i just ordered the universal control interface kit (, and i'm looking into controlling it via a raspberry pi.

my knowledge of electronics is a bit limited, so i'm not totally clear on how to reliably and safely control things. the universal interface info page ( says that it needs "switch closures" for control, which i'm interpretting to mean connecting one of the control pins to GND. i'm pretty sure i can do this with the pi's GPIO pins by outputting a low signal, but then i'm not sure what sort of voltage/current the pi will have to sink from the universal interface board? i feel like i saw something about 5v somewhere, although i can't find it now...i'm pretty sure asking the 3.3V GPIO pins to sink 5V isn't a good idea, right? if so i'll probably need to control a transistor with the GPIO pins, and use the transistor to connect the interface's header pins to GND?

thanks for any info!
Tubular Motors: General Discussion / Re: Installing as a tv cover
« Last post by admin on April 30, 2016, 11:57:50 AM »
Hi jimmy, is a good place, they have Pi 3 now.

If you use our Mini, the width of the diameter of the tube + fabric + hem bar will be perhaps not more than 1.5", which would be close to the depth of the recess. You'll want to set it up to roll off the top towards the room.

You can adjust the programmable travel limits to stop wherever you like, so an exposed portion is no problem. You can use the wired Mini or the unit with the built-in battery:

Regards, Adrian
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