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Selecting the right material for your application / Re: DIY Projection Screen Material List
« Last post by admin on September 07, 2017, 11:04:28 AM »
Hello @robzeke, thanks for your questions; here are the answers:

re slotted tubing:

Our motors are made for industry standard Rolease tubing, but the drive adapters can be modified to fit other types. Slotted tubing (internal splines) are good because they lock the motor drive. You can also use tubing or pipe with a smooth interior wall, but we suggest you use a locking screw to prevent slippage.

We have written a series of articles with a lot of detail that can be seen on the main menu at (see 'How To' and 'Projects')

Projection material can be heavy, so you may want to use our HD motors that have 24 lb lift capacity. One of the above articles explains how to measure the weight of your shade. You can use any kind of tension bar, as long as the fabric + tension bar weight doesn't exceed the lift capacity. We also have the Maxi, which can lift 45 lbs using a 2.5" tube.

We only supply motors, but you could do a search for screen material and tubing. The metal supermarket is one place to check for tubing. We also use 1.25" EMT steel conduit from any home hardware supply.

Regards, Adrian

Senior Tech
RollerTrol Automation Systems
Selecting the right material for your application / DIY Projection Screen Material List
« Last post by robzeke on September 07, 2017, 10:49:34 AM »
I have a couple of questions concerning a DIY projection screen. I can see by the specs of the motor that it fits standard 1.5" aluminum tubing.

Here are my questions:

Can I/Should I use the slotted tubing? and, will the motor fit with the slotted tube? Best place to purchase?

I am looking to use rear projection material and just wanted to make sure that will work, any reason why I shouldn't or couldn't user rear projection material?

And finally, best place to purchase a weight bar for tension, something specifically designed for projection screens would be nice.

So basically I guess I'm looking for a supply list. aluminum tube; screen material; weight bar and motor.

Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Re: Remote stops working
« Last post by admin on May 27, 2017, 04:40:22 PM »
You are very welcome, and we appreciate your biz! Customer service IS our #1 priority.

Regards, Adrian
Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Re: Remote stops working
« Last post by fogyreef on May 27, 2017, 04:28:17 PM »
Appreciate the great customer service!
Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Re: Remote stops working
« Last post by admin on May 27, 2017, 02:20:09 PM »
Hi, it sounds to me like the battery may have failed for some reason. We have many installations of these systems in skylights and we've never had any issues around heat build-up, so I don't think that is the problem. I will check your order history and communicate with you directly by email so that we can get some replacements out to you right away.

Regards, Adrian
Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Re: Remote stops working
« Last post by fogyreef on May 27, 2017, 01:10:35 PM »
Ok. The remote and the motor setting switch both work when the motor is plugged in to an outlet. The light on the charger is green which I take to be fully charged.

When the AC is unplugged neither the remote nor the setting switch work.

When the solar charger is plugged in the motor makes a clicking sound like a car battery out of juice. Tick...tick....tick...tick...

Are these motors sensitive to skylight heat loads?

Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Re: Remote stops working
« Last post by fogyreef on May 27, 2017, 12:48:48 PM »
Ha. That does make sense.

Breaking out the ladder to test the skylight blinds. Thanks for the quick response!
Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Re: Remote stops working
« Last post by admin on May 27, 2017, 12:43:21 PM »
Hi @fogyreef, it sounds like you have a defective remote, although that is very unusual.

You can check the operation of the battery motors by pressing the setting button on the blind motors. Once the motors have been programmed, the setting button acts as a toggle switch to test the motors. Press and release once, and the motor will go in one direction. Press and release again, the shade motor will stop. Press and release again, and it will go in the other direction.

If they don't move, it probably means the batteries are dead and need to be charged. In either case, please contact me via the contact form and we'll replace anything that has failed under warranty. Here is the contact form:

Also, re question about remote memory, the remotes have no memory, it's the motors that have the memory, so the short answer is "as long as you like".

Regards, Adrian
Pairing remotes to motors and assigning channels / Remote stops working
« Last post by fogyreef on May 27, 2017, 09:29:28 AM »
Looking to see if there's a typical cause/solution for when a 15 channel remote operating two motors over two channels suddenly stops working for both channels. One day all is well. The next, neither motor can be operated on their respective channel. The remote's display is working, but I'm on my way to the store to get a new battery just to try that solution. The motors are solar charged and should  have full charge.

Second question: How long can the battery be removed from the remote before it loses its configuration?
Choosing a home automation system / Re: Electric Window Glass Film
« Last post by admin on April 21, 2017, 09:30:05 AM »
Good Morning @treimche,

Thanks for your messages, sorry if it seems we are slow to respond. Please note that we are on Pacific time here, and the office isn't open until 8 am. At that time we start going through the overnight email that has come in.

We did receive the email you sent, and one of our tech reps will be in touch with you shortly.

Regards, Adrian
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