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Messages - jayekub

Pages: [1]
great, thanks for the info!

i just ordered the universal control interface kit (, and i'm looking into controlling it via a raspberry pi.

my knowledge of electronics is a bit limited, so i'm not totally clear on how to reliably and safely control things. the universal interface info page ( says that it needs "switch closures" for control, which i'm interpretting to mean connecting one of the control pins to GND. i'm pretty sure i can do this with the pi's GPIO pins by outputting a low signal, but then i'm not sure what sort of voltage/current the pi will have to sink from the universal interface board? i feel like i saw something about 5v somewhere, although i can't find it now...i'm pretty sure asking the 3.3V GPIO pins to sink 5V isn't a good idea, right? if so i'll probably need to control a transistor with the GPIO pins, and use the transistor to connect the interface's header pins to GND?

thanks for any info!

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