Author Topic: Trouble pairing with smartthings?  (Read 60917 times)


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2015, 01:28:47 PM »
Hi, the Z-Wave module is a receiver, not a transmitter. It's SKU is DCC-ZWAVE-12R

The DCG-1R-RFT Radio Transmitter Module is what I have been referring to in this post as the group transmitter because it directly controls a pre-assigned group of blind motors. There is a setting button it it, please see this picture from part 2 of the instruction series of articles:

When I say Press the setting button on the DCG-1R-RFT Radio Transmitter Module once, I mean the one in the above picture. Sorry for the confusion.

Regards, Adrian


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2015, 01:31:47 PM »
Thanks very much, I was confused as to which module you were referring.  I'll report back but I suspect I can get the rest done and things will work.  I will also report back the steps for other smartthings users as well.


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2015, 05:49:03 PM »

In the end two things were required, one was certainly my error in the cloning assumption - the cloning of course needs to be done, one of my relays required a reset to default the other didn't. 

The second thing was getting them to operate with ST - this didn't happen with the ST default detection of "dimmer switch" - oddly this did not activate the relay to perform any functions.  Perusing the ST forums it is clear that there is some custom code for a device type called "Aeon Motor Controller" which properly sets "up", "down", and "stop" functionality in the ST app.  I am happy to provide or post that custom code since it is open source if you'd like to have it on your forum for other future ST users.  With the custom device type saved and published in the ST IDE (a website controlling a user's hub and devices), the type can be assigned to the "dimmer switch" that ST detects and then all will function wel.

It does seem clear that some users had success with the default detection in ST but this wasn't the case with me.  Additionally, the custom code device type does appear to be superior in that on/off are up and down and stop functionality is also present.  ST users would probably greatly appreciate the custom code version as opposed to the basic switch version.

Thanks for all your help and people are free to ping me in the future if they require similar assistance.


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2015, 06:46:19 PM »
Good Evening, very glad to hear that. I could not find any particular problem associated with SmartThings, but I have run into that device type selection problem with Vera before, so I was interested to hear how you resolved it.

Since I couldn't give you anything concrete to go on, I ended up ordering a SmartThings hub, before I saw your most recent post. It will be good to have it since there are probably more support issues that will come up.

Personally, my favorite so far is the Raspberry Pi, we've been having fun with that:

but SmartThings looks very good too. I think the fact that Samsung is behind it is very encouraging; we use Samsung SSD's in the dozen or so laptops we have here, and they are the only drives that have never failed. Phones work well too.

Cheers, Adrian


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2015, 06:52:43 PM »
That's really above and beyond.  I would imagine Raspberry Pi is a DIY adventure although the open source nature of smartthings makes it an interesting hybrid of DIY and off the shelf support.  Let me know how I can help in the future, I do like to "pay it forward" when it comes to these things.


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2015, 07:33:19 PM »
Hi Robert, this is all good fodder for the search engines, they will suck it up, so no problemo, you've already made your contribution! :)

We value word of mouth above all, and it's why we have been so successful with a zero advertising budget.

We like the Pi because it is powerful enough that it can still be used as a general purpose computing platform (mail, browsing, spreadsheet, etc) while Stefan's excellent home automation software is running in the background as a web server.

Cheers, Adrian


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2015, 08:55:14 AM »
I did write a quick "thumbs up" review in the ST forum and recommended Rollertrol for anyone who wants an excellent lower cost alternative to Somfy.  The install is more complex but well within reach of most ST users who have a more DIY mentality.

Can I make some suggestions for ways you can assist future installers (apart from your excellent forum support)?  A few pictures of the actual wiring would be helfpul - I'm quite handy and I confess I should've read the instructions word for word.  There were times when I was a little confused and uncertain I had done things properly.  Even the connections for the power supply which in fact goto each module and the motor was an area that would easily have been assisted with a picture.  Additionally, given the number of steps involved along the way, some confirmation that each step was completed properly is great (like when the motor beeps as it does for several of these steps).  Pictures of what the wiring should look like at a particular stage is great as would be quick tests to confirm things work (like a quick jumper test with a picture would've aided my installation as I wouldn't have misunderstood "cloning" - again, my fault not yours).

Last, I did have a challenge with the mounting hardware - I believe I had 2.5 or 3" aluminum tube and the mounting hardware was not quite long enough - there was insufficient height between the ceiling and the top of the hardware where the slotted pin slides into the mount.  I needed to install a few washers to drop that mounting hardware down about 1/4" for each of the mounting plates.  Basically, for the very large rollers the mounting plates need to be longer top to bottom.  Once the pin is engaged there is plenty of height above the roller but the screw hole placement is such that one can't attach the plate after engaging the pin.  Hopefully that makes sense - it seems like the mounts are designed for smaller diameter rolls.


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Re: Trouble pairing with smartthings?
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2015, 10:15:14 AM »
Good Morning, your points are well taken and I will review the instructions. The shades themselves may need a standoff, depending on the thickness of the roll, and I will look into this too.

Regards, Adrian