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Trouble with RFXCOM Receiving Remote Commands


Hi... I've recently purchased several wireless blind motors (TMDC-12-25-11-25-RB), have installed them, and paired them to one of the 15-channel remotes, grouped some, etc, and now I'm trying to get them to work with my RFXCOM device - right now just manually via the RFXmngr application - I'll work on integrating my automation platform later.

I have the RFXtrx433E and have followed Adrian's steps outlined in the forum post below.  I followed all steps successfully, but the rfxcom didn't show anything happening when I pressed buttons on the remote control.

The box works, I can enable other commands and hear signals from my weather station, but nothing when on Blind T0.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


Hi Jonathan, thanks for your inquiry.

Could you please contact me directly by email, I need to go over your order to determine the exact type of equipment you have.

Regards, Adrian

Adrian Biffen
Customer Service
RollerTrol Automation Systems


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