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Messages - javiergilsapiens

Pages: [1]
I bought from you a while ago, the Z-wave module and the control relay transmitter, and I was able to get them working pretty good with ST, however, a can only fully open or close the shades using ST, I cannot stop them at any point, the control type that ST assumed it was was a dimmer switch. I've read that to achieve the stop command through the Hub, yo need to use these commands:

Open: 0x26 0x01 0xFF
Middle/Stop: 0x26 0x04 0xFF
Close: 0x26 0x01 0x00

but I do not have a clue where to insert them, could you tell me how to configure these commands in the Smartthings Hub?
I've had the controller for a while now.  do I need to erase the dimmer switch (for the rollers) and set a new kind of switch? if so, what should I do?

Thanks in advance.

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